YES!! YES!! YES!! It came today. I've been checking my e-mail all week for the final application and today English I got it. I went on my ipod and checked my e-mails before a sad presentation the whole school had to watch and I got it. I started jumping up and down, squealing. Probably my whole class thought I was a idiot. Brittany, my friend, knew was squealing. I didn't even need to tell her she knew. My Guy-Friend in English didn't know so he snatched my ipod away from me and saw what all the commotion was about. He didn't say anything and then we went to the presentation and I cried my eyes out
<----That's not a joke, I actually did cry.
Tonight me and mom reloaded the printer with Ink and I printed all the pages. I've been reading it religiously and I did Form number 1,2, bits of 4, and bits of 8. Some information must be added to form 1 and 2, and all the other forms have to be filled out by a teacher and my doctor. I'm going to ask my Advisory teacher
<---Homeroom teacher to fill out my recommendation and stuff, this is because I believe he is the best choice. Why? He has supported with my Japanese learning XD. My other choices in teachers were my Social teacher, because he's easy to talk to, and my multimedia teacher because he's cool and also I heard from my friend that he likes exchange but I guess what I felt was right was giving it to my Advisory teacher so I am. On Monday. Wish me luck, hopefully he'll agree. I'll have to schedule a meeting with the doctor this week sometime.
I must think Positive and positive things will happen. I believe that statement. I know I can do this. I have my family's and friends support XD But even though I think about this their is to things that will show up in the application that might hurt me. 1) My math mark is 52%, in both semesters. But I'm currently getting a 73% average in all. 2) I have a lot of absences. I'm getting 70's,80's,90's in all my classes except for 1 (math) and my absences are because of moving, sickness (this year i got sick a lot; flu, shingles; and sinus affection that was infected), and my parents split up. I know the last one isn't a good enough reason for my absences but it really did affect me. I got so stress and tired from it. I mean a lot of things happened , but now finally this AFS exchange program is bring my family together again. Especially Me&My Dad, and I don't want to lose that. I don't want AFS to frown upon this. I want to work hard, and I will surely work 10,000,000 million times harder if I get accepted to go to Japan. So I'm praying and thinking Positive. My friends believe in me, my parents believe in me, and thats all I need. The teacher will have to write a explanation of my absences. I wonder what he will say, something bad? Something good? I'm scared? What if he doesn't want to do it or want me to go.
NO!NO! Maura, "Think Positive and Positive things will happen, think Negative and negative things will happen." That's my motto. Thats what I believe in it. Fate, God, and AFS, hold my future of which path I'll choose. Anyways I'm off to bed, Good-Night.